

August 16-18th, 2024

August 16-18th, 2024

A campout in the Pacific Northwest for our part of the network.

If you live close-by and are reading this, you belong here.

Become part of a scene of deep collaboration and hosting co-activation.

A campout in the Pacific Northwest for our part of the network.

If you live close-by and are reading this, you belong here.

Become part of a scene of deep collaboration
and hosting co-activation.

A campout in the Pacific Northwest for our part of the network.

If you live close-by and are reading this, you belong here.

Become part of a scene of deep collaboration and hosting co-activation.



August 16-18th, 2024

August 16-18th, 2024

Bring your Tent & Bedroll to Elkenmist

A Farm Located in Southwest Washington

100+ acre farmed & forested land abutting state forest; a back-to-the-land community based on permaculture, personal growth, and modern animism.

Bring your
Tent & Bedroll to

A Farm Located in

100+ acre farmed & forested land abutting state forest; a back-to-the-land community based on permaculture, personal growth, and modern animism.

Early Bird


10 tickets total

August 16-18th, 2024

Campsite Access

7 vegan meals

Meet your Mutuals

Bring your kids!

Get Tickets

General Admission


40 tickets total

August 16-18th, 2024

Campsite Access

7 vegan meals

Meet your Mutuals

Bring your kids!

Get Tickets

Low Income

means based

10 tickets total

August 16-18th, 2024

Campsite Access

7 vegan meals

Meet your Mutuals

Be Willing to Volunteer

Apply Now

Non-Tent Options


For booking, please email Elkenmist through their website


There are reasonably priced rooms available in the area


These hotels are within 15 minutes driving of camp

Meet the Community

Meet the Community

CascadeCamp Event Crew

Event Crew

Steven Fan

Founder of the first "Pacific Northwest TPOT Regional in Portland."

"Helping tend the Pacific Northwest congregation (in the microsolidarity sense) of our part of the network. Find the Super Coordinators"

Shane Stranahan

Chief Coordinator.



"searching for the weirdo highly intellectually curious on the fringes of society. ease as much suffering as possible before your time comes."



"searching for the weirdo highly intellectually curious on the fringes of society. ease as much suffering as possible before your time comes."


tempest spine





"professional troublemaker, Loom engineer, DJ, audio tech, poi spinner, and notorious twitter personality, I'm Ra and you are under attack."


tempest spine





"professional troublemaker, Loom engineer, DJ, audio tech, poi spinner, and notorious twitter personality, I'm Ra and you are under attack."

Send Us A Comment


When & Where? 

How much are tickets and how do I purchase them?

Directions & Parking

I want to come but I can't afford a ticket!

Can I bring friends?

How long do I have to purchase tickets?


Who is going to CascadeCamp?

What will happen at CascadeCamp?



Can I bring my child?

Power Outlets?

How's data coverage?


What is the bathroom situation?

Can I stay in my RV/car?

Offsite Accommodations

Will meals be provided?

Can I bring my own food?

Fires and Cooking

Smoking Policy

Onsite lockers?

Are towels and toiletries provided?

Tent placement?

Can I bring my dog?


Clothes for 3 days and 2 nights – check the weather and choose layers (warm, cool, fabulous, a jacket or raincoat, pajamas, shoes you can walk a lot in). A fabulous outfit (or three) for our dance parties Swim gear - there is a creek to wade in and we are working on a pool! Your own towel for swimming and showering Flip flops for the showers Toiletries, including sunblock and bug spray Cute sun protection like sunglasses/hats/visors Light rain gear - the PNW has lots of rain, but not very strong rain, so heavy raingear should not be required. tent/tarp/thermarest/sleeping bag or whatever you use for camping A water bottle and a cool-ass reusable mug or cup for the teahouse Gifts/schwag/activities/things to share with your friends Earplugs and an eyemask if you're a light sleeper Your tech need basics (phone charger, back up batteries, power bank if camping, etc.) Stuff for keeping cool: spray bottle / essential oil hydrosol / mini fan Headlamp or flashlight for nighttime, a portable lantern, plus LEDs to light ur lewk Cushions to sit on, hammocks to lie in, picnic blankets or beach towels for chilling in the grass, camp chairs A multitool if you're that kind of person ~vibes~


Can I play music all night long?

Who do I look to for help during CascadeCamp?

How do I contribute to CascadeCamp?

How do I host an event at CascadeCamp?

Is there a map of CascadeCamp?

Can I volunteer at CascadeCamp?‌

Do you have a code of conduct or values statement?

We haven't drafted our own set of community values but we subscribe to vibecamp's VIBEGUIDE found at the following link:

Influences and Vibe Setters

and Vibe Setters

The flagship event of TPOT. Distillation of this scene's history and cultural norms that have served it well.

Patterns for regrowing the social fabric. Everyone who comes to this event has the capacity to be a leader by applying them.